CHANGE PAIN® Masterclass 2019

CHANGE PAIN® Masterclass Scientific Steering Committee Co-Chairs

Picture of Lars Arendt-Nielsen

Lars Arendt-Nielsen
Dr. Med, PhD
Professor, Department of Health Science and Technology, School of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark

Picture Joao Batista Garcia

João Batista Garcia
Anaesthesiologist & Professor, Pain and Palliative Care, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), Brazil

Bart Morlion
Director of the Leuven Centre for Algology and Pain Management, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium


The CHANGE PAIN Masterclass Scientific Steering Committee Co-Chairs, Prof. Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Prof. Bart Morlion and Prof. João Batista Garcia (in absentia), delivered an educational and scientific clinical program of sessions.

The themes addressed were:

  • Understanding key concepts in pain
  • Accurate diagnosis of pain and current challenges
  • Treatment of pain and challenges faced
  • Future of pain management


Click on the titles below to view the individual presentations.